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This week’s casserole submission comes from Leni Checkas. It is a vegetarian take on the classic tuna casserole. Enjoy! Next week we will feature your best hot toddy or mulled wine recipes fit for cold January evenings. Send your recipe to [email protected] Mock Tuna-Noodle Casserole Mock Tuna Ingredients ½ cup chickpea flour 2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast ¾ tsp salt ¼ tsp pepper 2 Tablespoons olive oil 2 tsp lemon juice ½ cup water ½ cup chickpeas, cooked 1 tsp vegan fish oil (optional; see notes) Casserole Ingred...
Ok. 2023 is just about over and 2024 is patiently waiting to arrive. It is the time of year usually set aside for reflection. At the same time, it is the time of year when we are pretty exhausted from the holidays. The week between Christmas and New Year's is when work is slow, visitors start to leave, and the house is a mess. In other words, you are out of your routine and don't really know what to do with yourself. I am not sure that this is the optimal time to be making new year's...
The theme for the week is New Year's celebrations. So we asked our readers for white cookie recipes and festive new year's cocktail recipes. As usual, they did not disappoint. We received recipes for Russian Tea Cakes, Italian Christmas cookies, Mexican wedding cookies, and German Lebkuchen. Who knew how many New Year's cocktails there are? Here are our top picks: Russian Tea Cakes Ingredients 1-½ cups butter 3 cups powdered sugar 1 egg yolk 1 tsp. vanilla ½ cup chopped pecans...
Gunbarrel residents met at the Niwot United Methodist Church on Lookout Road on Dec. 17 to discuss the "Tennis Center of the Rockies" proposed to be built at 5701 N. 79th Street in unincorporated Boulder County. The 19.73-acre property is located just north of Lookout Road on the west side of 79th Street adjacent to the Church of the Lookout (formerly Vinelife Church). That area is sometimes referred to as "Gunbarrel Hill." A Planning Application dated Nov. 22, 2023, and filed Dec. 5, 2023, for...
Let's talk about gift giving. 'Tis the season, after all. But, whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, a birthday, a baby shower, or a wedding, gift giving can be fraught with peril. Gift choices seem to fall into two camps: Easy and hard. When offered a gift registry, it is easy. You simply look at the price point, the category and decide. Help for a honeymoon? Part of a $1000 stroller? Or a cookie sheet. You know it will be welcome and the recipient will be pleased because, well, they...
Ok. We are in the middle of that hectic time between Thanksgiving and New Year's where the vast number of tasks staring at you can be overwhelming. Tasks in addition to your normal life's tasks. It doesn't help anxiety levels when everywhere you go, someone asks, "So, are you ready for Christmas?" Do I look ready for Christmas? My hair is standing on end, and I have twenty notes with Christmas present ideas falling out of my purse. Let's streamline the process a bit. What makes the holiday...
Ok. We put up our Christmas tree this past weekend. When I say "put up our Christmas tree," I mean it is upright with lights on it. Most of the lights even work. We consider that a victory. We used to put up a live tree every year. Two of them. One in the living room and one in the family room. Also a small tree in each of the kids' rooms. I was an overachiever, I know. I can't imagine how I did that. I am now down to one now. We eventually decided it was environmentally irresponsible to kill...
OK. Thanksgiving just happened and we are all probably still recovering. People generally love Thanksgiving. They stop their day-to-day routine and visit with friends and family, many of whom they may not have seen since the same time last year. It is also an opportunity to pause and reflect upon what you are thankful for and express that thanks to those who should hear it. It truly is a beloved holiday. If people are willing to travel huge distances, prepare for weeks, spend a lot of money,...
Ok. We are all thankful for many things in our lives. When it's time to go around the Thanksgiving table and recite all the things we are thankful for, I get a little choked up. I am certainly thankful for my husband, my family, my friends, and my health. I am thankful for the roof over my head, the food on the table, my dog, Emma, and so very thankful for the angels among us. I am thankful for my job, lunch with my friend and my book clubs. I am thankful for that incredible view of the...
Ok. It’s that pumpkin spice latte time of year. Seriously, that’s a big thing. I guess when the weather gets colder, people just have a hankering for pumpkin. It used to be just pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread. Now it’s pumpkin candles, pumpkin sauces, pumpkin soup, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin muffins, and even pumpkin ravioli. But let’s get back to that harbinger of the holiday season, pumpkin spice latte. Remember when your choices for coffee were black or with cream and/or sugar? That was it....
Ok. Daylight Savings Time strikes again. You might remember how I feel about it. But here's the thing. We gained an hour. But did we really? No. We just go to bed later and get up earlier. Or is it the other way around? In any event, the days seem shorter, the wind is ripping the leaves off the trees, and the weather is bound to get colder. We all know what cold weather around here can mean. But I had to learn the hard way. When I first moved to Colorado from sunny California in March of that...
Ok. I have Covid. I have no idea where I got it since I barely go anywhere. But what I do know is that Covid is no fun. And not funny. I know some people have mild cases, others have serious symptoms, and many have long term effects. In my case, so far, it is like a bad cold. I'm fine. I am one of those lucky people who rarely get sick. My husband, on the other hand, just has to hear that a cold or flu or a stomach ailment is "going around" and he starts coming down with every symptom. So being...
Ok. Halloween is looming. It’s the first holiday wave. Undoubtedly, some of you have been buying and eating candy since Labor Day. Many have been making costumes, buying costumes or just thinking about costumes for weeks. Those messy pumpkins have been carefully carved. It is a big deal for all the kids (and adults) to go trick or treating and bring home all that loot just to consume it all in one big tummy ache. But let’s review. Halloween is not for everyone. Basically, people fall into two...
The owners of a 39-acre property located at the southwest corner of Niwot Road and 63rd Street chose to indefinitely table their application to create a total of ten residential lots on their property, including the existing residence. The application indicated that Transferable Development Rights (TDRs) would be purchased from Boulder County Parks and Open Space for the additional lots. The property is located within Boulder County’s Rural Residential zoning district and has a number of significant designations in the Boulder County C...
Ok. Fall has arrived. Or, as I like to say, "autumn" has arrived. What happened to that word "autumn?" It's a pretty word for a pretty time of year without the negative implications of "fall." "Fall" sounds a bit dangerous, don't you think? I don't need reminders of the icy roads ahead. Fun fact: The autumnal equinox occurred on Sept. 23 and marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The sun is directly above the equator on the equinox. That is all well and good from a scientific...
Ok. Remember when you were a kid and all you wanted out of that long road trip to some great destination like Mount Rushmore was to stop at a motel for the night and get into the swimming pool? I do. My parents and six children traveled across the country at least five times. Each time, all I could think about was whether the next Motel 6 or Best Western had a swimming pool. And we would happily forgo dinner to throw on our bathing suits and jump into an often over-chlorinated indoor swamp of a...
Ok. Why does bread have such a bad rap? Bread has been around since the beginning of time. Basically, flour and water, it is a staple in one form or another around the world. The centerpiece of any gathering, a symbol of community and hospitality, bread is a mainstay of every meal. Toast for breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and a good hunk of bread at dinner to wipe up your gravy. At what point did bread become a bad thing? Today bread is often considered a high carb, low fiber, low protein, low n...
It seems anytime you look at a map of the area, you see a reference to "Farmers Ditch." Farmers Ditch basically travels from Boulder Creek, meanders by Lake Valley Estates off of Niwot Road, and ends at the west shore of Boulder Reservoir. It was constructed in 1862 and is managed by The Farmers Ditch Company. There are several other ditches carved into the county which all have water supply and farming irrigation as their impetus. There is Star Ditch, Johnson Ditch, Hinman Ditch, Boulder &...
Ok. Have you gone to any of your high school reunions? You know, where you reconnect and reminisce with old friends? I just got back from mine in California where I saw people I hadn't seen for 35 years. In the days prior to the event, I was filled with anticipation, excitement, and a bit of anxiety. I was really looking forward to seeing people who were a big part of those formative years. And let's be honest, I wanted to look good. We need to unpack this a bit. Let's start with why I decided...
Ok. The word "Costco," always generates some kind of reaction. "Oh my God, I love Costco!" or "Have you been to the new one? It's great (or 'different' or 'hard to find anything' or 'so nice')," or "Oh, I only shop local." Well, the new Costco in Longmont opened and for a long time I think I was the only person in the county who hadn't stopped by. (Incidentally, no one simply "stops by" Costco. Costco is an hour-long shopping adventure). Let me explain. Although I am a proud Costco member, I...
Ok. How often have you opened the refrigerator looking for inspiration for dinner, then you grab some salad makings, spot some Tupperware, and exclaim, “How old is this chicken?” Chances are you have leftover chicken something. Perhaps chicken tikka masala, chicken shawarma, orange chicken, chicken piccata, chicken saltimbocca, or an old chicken pot pie. Why is chicken so prevalent in our diets? When did that happen? Chicken started as an inexpensive alternative to steak. It soon became a diet f...
Ok. It's that time again. Some dread it, others can't wait for it. I am talking about going back to school. As a parent, you might be happy to see some structure begin and a quiet house for a few hours. For kids, you might be looking forward to seeing your friends again and getting on with this thing called "education." Personally, as a parent, I missed my kids when they went back to school. Of course, I got over it in about a week. As a kid, it was my worst time of year. Let me explain. My birt...
Ok. Look down at your phone. You know that little piece of wonder we used to call a "telephone?" Chances are, you are already doing that. Do you know anyone who doesn't have a cell phone? Probably not. What used to be our primary form of connection to the outside world has now become almost our only connection to the outside world and our main source of communication, information, and entertainment. Phones today put the Encyclopedia Britannica out of business. Where would we be without our ubiqu...
Ok. Where did you go for your summer vacation? It's a question wrought with landmines, isn't it? Every spring the pressure to plan an epic summer vacation for you and your family begins. The kids are out of school, the weather is good and so it's a great time to get out and spend some family time together and make some memories you will look back at with a smile and a story. And you also know you have that distinct responsibility to give the kids something to write about when asked on the first...
The Colorado Press Association announced that three Left Hand Valley Courier writers have received awards for the 2022 Colorado Better News Media Contest. Kristin Alger, Jack Carlough and Mary Wolbach Lopert have won awards for their work on the Courier. Alger has been writing for the Courier since 2022, though she has a wealth of experience in journalism. Carlough, a Silver Creek High School graduate who earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Colorado, College of Media,...
Ok. Have you ever traveled, called a friend across the country, watched the Olympics or the World Cup and realized figuring out the time difference can be a hefty math problem? I am talking about time zones. You may know the U.S. has six time zones (not including its territories). So, you may live in the same country as your east coast cousin, but you may be just getting off work when they are sound asleep for the night. And think about this: Why does the U.S. have six time zones, Russia has 11...
Ok. How many cars have you owned in your life? If you are young, maybe one or two (or maybe zero). If you are older, undoubtedly several. Your car history is like an archeological dig into your life. Let me explain. Some people carefully choose what they drive, others just need transportation, and still others don't really have a choice. And is your identity somehow wrapped up in the car you drive? In Southern California, the answer is a clear "yes." Here in Colorado, well, you decide. After an...
Ok. Some of us are starting to go back to the movie theaters after the big Covid drought. I have seen "Maverick" so far, which doesn't make me an expert but was an exciting way to get my movie-feet wet again. I think we are all a bit rusty, so perhaps a movie-manners refresher might be in order. Let me tell you a story so you know what I am talking about. It was date night, pre-Covid. My husband and I had planned for a week to go see the new "Captain America" movie. It was a very popular movie a...