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(62) stories found containing 'Deb Fowler'

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  • Niwot Natural Medicine's Dr. Janine Malcolm steals the show at NBA meeting

    Hannah Stewart|Apr 20, 2022

    Cimmini's was packed last Tuesday for the monthly Niwot Business Association meeting. It might have had something to do with the refreshments provided by the popular Italian restaurant, and it might have had something to do with the speaker for the evening. NBA president Eric Bergeson began by welcoming new NBA members, including Lisa Nesper with Cross Country Mortgage in Niwot Square and Kristin Dura with Una Vida in Cottonwood Square. Bergeson then shifted to announcements and a number of...

  • LID revenues up in 2022

    Bruce Warren|Apr 13, 2022

    The Niwot Local Improvement District Advisory Committee (LID) met April 6 at the Niwot Inn to consider two funding requests, both of which were approved. LID Chair Scott Firle welcomed Jeff Knight to his first meeting as a member of the committee. Knight was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners as the Niwot Community Association representative on the nine-member advisory board. He replaced longtime LID member and former chair Laura Skaggs. Mark Ruzzin, liaison to the LID from the...

  • Cimmini's hosts symphony bruch to benefit Marshall Fire fund

    Katrina Stroud|Mar 2, 2022

    On Feb. 26, the Italian restaurant Ciminini's (300 2nd Ave.) hosted a fundraising event for the Marshall Fire victims. Customers paid $25 per ticket to enjoy a lovely Saturday morning, while listening to a live cello performance. All food and drinks came with the ticket, which included the choice of pancakes, French toast, cottage cheese parfait with avocado toast, scrambled eggs, sausages and hams, a pastry basket, specialty coffee, and of course, hot cocoa. A silent auction was held at the...

  • Small Town Big Heart sets events to aid fire victims

    Deborah Cameron|Feb 9, 2022

    After a strong start during the Après Ski weekend which raised $2,113 for families affected by the Marshall fire, Niwot's benefit events are continuing. A pair of events that combine dining and music are the next set of community fundraisers supporting the Small Town Big Heart Fire Relief Fund. "We've got a Niwot-wide goal of $100,000 and this is a great way to start," said Deb Fowler of DRF Real Estate, who is coordinating the events. Her total included amounts from the first weekend, but didn'...

  • Familiar Face - Kristina Burgoon

    Vicky Dorvee|Sep 8, 2021

    Kristina Burgoon is the warm welcoming face at The Niwot Inn & Spa and she's also the face of Niwot through her creativity as the social media coordinator for the Niwot Business Association. The Courier reached out to discover a bit about Burgoon's history and her current life. Left Hand Valley Courier (LHVC) - Where did you grow up and what brought you to the area? Kristina Burgoon (KB) - I was born in Orange, California, and lived there until I was 10-years old. My family moved to Flemington,...

  • Catch the buzz!

    Special to the Courier|Aug 18, 2021

    The first Niwot Honey Bee Harvest Festival will take flight on Aug. 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., featuring hives of fun activity around town. Look for flyers posted with the schedule of the day's activities. Niwot Business Association vice-president Deb Fowler and Niwot resident Victoria Keen have been very "beesy" organizing the festival since early 2021. Honey bees are not native to the United States and were brought over by the pilgrims, but they have long been a part of the Niwot area....

  • Niwot's March event looking lucky

    Kristen Arendt|Mar 3, 2021

    As we eagerly await the official start of spring, there's plenty to look forward to in Niwot during March. Starting March 1, and continuing all month, visitors to Niwot can participate in a St. Patrick's Day-inspired virtual scavenger hunt. This festive activity, sponsored by the Niwot Local Improvement District (LID) and the Niwot Business Association (NBA), will send players on a quest to find the lucky leprechauns hidden around town. Owner of Deborah Read Fowler Real Estate (DRF) and recent L...

  • Left Hand Laurel – Deborah Read Fowler

    Vicky Dorvee|Feb 10, 2021

    The adage, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going," typifies Niwot's Deborah Read Fowler. Read Fowler, owner of Deborah Read Fowler Real Estate (DRF), was already resolutely involved with the community when along came COVID-19, shifting her dynamism into overdrive. With her can-do attitude, optimistic outlook, and a keen sense of humor, Read Fowler simply gives her all to Niwot, which is why she is the recipient of this month's Left Hand Laurel. "What is new is my concern, and I'd say...

  • Get to know the Niwot Business Association

    Deborah Cameron|Feb 10, 2021

    Most Niwot residents know that the Niwot Business Association (NBA) offers business support and networking, and also hosts Rock & Rails with the Niwot Cultural Arts Association on summer Thursday nights, as well as sponsoring other community events such as the Great Pumpkin Party, Enchanted Evening and the Holiday Parade. Fewer residents know the NBA is responsible for things that are easy to take for granted. Tasks such as changing street light bulbs, paying the electric bill for the lights,...

  • Local Love for Lily collection box

    Vicky Dorvee|Dec 4, 2019

    Deb Fowler understands how scary and difficult it can be with a newborn in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of a hospital. So when she learned about the organization Love for Lily, whose mission it is to help families with children in a NICU to thrive while in the hospital and when they go home, she was moved to support them. "It's a charity we chose because myself and Bonnie [Beam], who's on the team, were both NICU moms and we would have loved something like this." Fowler's son Oliver...

  • CASA volunteers make a world of difference

    Vicky Dorvee, [email protected]|Apr 18, 2019

    Each year, hundreds of youngsters in Boulder County enter the child welfare system. It’s a complex and fraught system, but Voices for Children (VFC), a nonprofit organization based in Gunbarrel, helps children and their families find a path out. Niwot-based Debra Reed Fowler Real Estate (DRF) has been an active supporter of VFC’s Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program for three years. In March, her team donated $1,000 to help the organization continue to advocate on behalf of neg...

  • Niwot Tavern's Grinch steals the show

    Nancy Bureau, Special to the Courier|Nov 28, 2018

    The results for the Enchanted Evening Window Decorating Contest are in! There were about 150 votes total, and while the competition was amazing and colorful, the clear winner for the 2018 season is Niwot Tavern. This is the second year in a row that the Tavern has swept the votes, and they credit their amazing wins to their window designer and decorator, Tom Studholme, who can be contacted at 970-619-9456 for people who wish to use his skills for their holiday window displays. The second place w...