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(11) stories found containing 'lake valley estates'

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  • Niwot LID members meet with County Commissioners

    Bruce Warren|Aug 21, 2024

    All nine members of the Niwot Local Improvement District Advisory Committee (LID) met with Boulder County Commissioners Claire Levy and Marta Loachamin on Aug. 12 at the Left Hand Grange building in Niwot. The meeting, which had been rescheduled several times, is an annual affair in which LID members can give an update on the state of Niwot and hear directly from the commissioners about their priorities. County Commissioner Ashley Stolzmann, who is the elected representative from an area which...

  • NCA begins to work on goals for 2024

    Staff Report|Jan 17, 2024

    The Niwot Community Association (NCA) set goals for 2024 during its December board meeting. The NCA serves as a local advocacy group with representatives from eight residential service areas that interfaces with local government to provide input and provide a forum for Niwot citizens to learn about issues and voice their opinions.The January monthly meeting saw the NCA board launch projects that board members volunteered to champion. Boulder County’s land use policies and actions are an important topic for NCA attention. Examples of d...

  • Story Behind the Name - Farmers Ditch

    Gene Fuller and Elise S. Marylander|Sep 27, 2023

    It seems anytime you look at a map of the area, you see a reference to "Farmers Ditch." Farmers Ditch basically travels from Boulder Creek, meanders by Lake Valley Estates off of Niwot Road, and ends at the west shore of Boulder Reservoir. It was constructed in 1862 and is managed by The Farmers Ditch Company. There are several other ditches carved into the county which all have water supply and farming irrigation as their impetus. There is Star Ditch, Johnson Ditch, Hinman Ditch, Boulder &...

  • Black bear spotted in Niwot

    Scott Barto|Jul 12, 2023

    Niwot is no stranger to wildlife occasionally roaming into this neck of the woods every now and then. There have been recent sightings of lynx, bobcats, foxes, deer, raccoons, snakes, prairie dogs, and even bears. While this is not the first instance of a bear making its way into Niwot, it surely is the furthest east that we know of. There have been several bear sightings in the Lake Valley area, closer to the foothills. And there was a bear on the railroad tracks across from IBM during daylight...

  • Photo of the Week

    Jul 5, 2023

  • NCA plans annual meeting & clean-up day

    Leonard Sitongia|Jan 11, 2023

    The Niwot Community Association (NCA) held its monthly board meeting Jan. 4 in the Mountain View Fire Rescue Niwot Station conference room. The board approved the budget proposed for 2023. Costs have increased for many of the NCA's events and activities, but there are no plans to increase the annual membership fee. It was reported that membership in the NCA has increased to 364 members. The board followed up on the presentation made to the board last month about a possible affordable housing...

  • Photo of the Week

    Jan 4, 2023

  • NCA kicks-off 2019 membership drive

    Kim Glasscock, [email protected]|Feb 20, 2019

    Niwot residents will soon be seeing reminders to renew their Niwot Community Association memberships in their mailboxes, email in-boxes and along Niwot Road. The membership drive will kick off the week of Feb. 17, with an email message to current members and posting of the “Burma Shave” style signs along Niwot Road, NCA President David Limbach told board members at their March 13 meeting. Currently Niwot residents can join the NCA by paying with a check or through PayPal. NCA board members are exploring adding Venmo by PayPal, a mobile payment...

  • County places hold on incentive program

    Jesse Murphy, [email protected]|Mar 29, 2018

    Boulder County Transportation Director George Gerstle announced last week that the county has suspended the subdivision paving incentive fund. The reason, he said, is due to issues with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Specifically the timeliness, frequency and amounts of reimbursements the county will receive as a result of the 2013 flood. “Until we have a better handle on how we’ll be reimbursed we want to make sure we’re not over-committing the county budget,” Gerstle said. “We’re trying to be conservative and make sure we’re not g...

  • Roads -- Where to now?

    Jesse Murphy, [email protected]|Dec 30, 2016

    Last week, the Colorado Supreme Court denied a request from subdivision residents in Boulder County to review the Court of Appeals’ decision in a suit against the county concerning the paving and upgrades of subdivision roads. This decision marks the third time the courts have stated that BoCoFIRM — the organization representing residents — cannot sue the county commissioners over the condition of rural subdivision roads. In June 2016, the Colorado Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s dismissal of the lawsuit. Following last week’s...

  • County transportation looks to partner with subdivisions

    Jesse Murphy, [email protected]|Dec 24, 2016

    The county’s road and bridge department has their official budget for 2017, a total of roughly $39 million. Of those monies, $13 million will be spent on flood recovery in the James Canyon area, the Wagon Wheel Gap, bridges along the South St. Vrain including the primary bridge and roads in the Four Mile Canyon area. “Those are the major projects that will get started,” Boulder County Director of Transportation George Gerstle said. “As we get the bids in and how much they’ll actually cost, we’ll go back to the commissioners for the funding. “B...