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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Once again I am writing to the Courier to thank all those responsible for the beautiful flowers all around Niwot in hanging baskets, pots, wheelbarrows, a piano, and a bicycle, among other things. They are glorious this year, even more bountiful and colorful than in years past, and I know it takes a lot of planning and maintenance to produce such a wonderful display. My husband and I walk around downtown Niwot almost every day and marvel at the beauty all around us. Many kudos to the many volunteers and businesses who make this all possible.

Joyce JohnsonNiwot

It is so sad that poor Charles Bell must suffer so much. He, like Michele Obama, who is disappointed with her Country, is disappointed with his town of Niwot.

That people have opinions that differ from Mr. Bell’s, and that disturbs him, is surprising, and just uncivil and should not be allowed. Mr. Bell seems to love the idea of expanding the use of mind altering drugs, while many of us disagree, strongly. That the almighty State has blessed the use of marijuana (actually a majority of loony Colorado voters), seems to be all Mr. Bell needs to believe legal marijuana should be sold on every street corner in the state and no one dare suggest it is a bad thing. Mr. Bell, it was only a few years ago, that same State held selling recreational marijuana to be ILLEGAL.

With the response of a minority, today, hopefully, a majority, tomorrow, we can bring sanity back to Colorado and again make recreational POT ILLEGAL!

Don SherwoodGunbarrel


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