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Letter to the Editor

Before I comment on Charles Bell’s letter, I would like to give thanks to Don Sherwood. You were right on with each paragraph. Thank you!

Mr. Bell, your comment stating that you “didn’t feel proud of my community” is highly offensive. First of all, this is not “your community.” If you aren’t proud of Niwot and the residents that live here and are fighting to keep marijuana out of Niwot, then I suggest you move yourself and business out of town. I’m sure Boulder would welcome you.

Second, for the parents and children who were in the picket line carrying “No pot in Niwot” signs, that is their First Amendment right called Freedom of Expression. That is their constitutional right. Also the same right you have in calling them “enraged parents.” Very poor choice of words for a business man.

My family and I have the right to protest Mr. and Mrs. Craumer moving here from Connecticut. They aren’t here because it’s such a quaint little town. They came here to set up shop to grow and sell marijuana. There is only one reason they are here and that is to make millions of dollars. Boulder County Commissioners finally approved it because of the tax money for Boulder County, ignoring all the Niwot residents that went to the meetings plus the letters in protest all giving good reason not to approve it. I’m proud of my neighbors and friends. It is also time to vote in two new commissioners come November 8.

Your letter was very disrespectful and hateful to the residents of Niwot who have been here many years, including “yours truly,” a resident of Niwot for 61 years. My deceased husband was born and raised here in Niwot plus many more of his extended family. Also, our three sons are natives of Niwot.

Where did you get your information that Niwot is a “hip” neighborhood? My neighborhood fought against Rock & Rails for over two years and finally gave in. The noise, loud music invades our privacy every Thursday night. Plus all the cars that ignore laws and park in front of fire hydrants etc. I see you sponsor this event in which alcohol is served where children are present. That should not be allowed. How hypocritical is that?

If the state is receiving all that $135 million for schools, then why is it reported that very little has been going to the schools? It’s mostly been spent for drug rehab and assisting homeless with housing and food. Get your facts straight. If so much of the marijuana tax money is going to schools, then why is St. Vrain Valley Schools asking Boulder County residents to vote yes on a $260 million bond?

Being a resident of Niwot for 20 years doesn’t make you a native. I have lived in your neighborhood for 61 years where your business is located. So please be a little more respectful of residents of Niwot who just want to keep Niwot safe and respectful place to raise their families. We don’t need drugs in Niwot.

Mr. Steve Romano, please keep fighting for us. We are behind you 100 percent because of you and your group filing a lawsuit asking a judge to overturn the approval.

Mr. Bell, you need to purchase all of Anne Quinby Dyni’s books and read the history of Niwot, which was founded in 1875. Some of my husband’s family and relatives helped make this town a wonderful place for my husband and I to raise our family. Then maybe you will understand why we don’t want marijuana in Niwot and show a little more respect for the families that are protesting against it.

If marijuana is approved to be sold here in Niwot, Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Craumer, please make a good offer for my home and you can make it a parking lot. The town of Niwot will never be the same.

Lois BennettNiwot, CO

Editor’s Note: The original application by Ernest Craumer sought approval for both a grow facility and dispensary. The application for a grow facility was withdrawn prior to consideration by the Boulder County Commissioners.


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