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Looking Forward: Niwot LID updates Strategic Plan

In its final meeting of 2016, the Niwot Local Improvement District Advisory Committee (LID) turned its attention to administrative matters, including a look at the final 2016 budget figures and revisions to the Niwot Strategic Plan.

The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Carrie Wise. After approving the minutes from last month’s meeting, the committee reviewed the final financial figures for the year. In total, the LID approved 22 funding requests for more than $130,000 during 2016, exceeding the approved budget by about $4,200. The original budget is set at 80% of the sales tax revenues from the previous year. Revenues for 2016 have been solid, and the shortfall will be covered by a supplemental budget allocation.

Though all major events and projects are complete for the year, the LID did consider one funding request. The Niwot Business Association (NBA) requested $500 for insurance mandated by County for the Economic Development Director position. The committee approved this request unanimously.

Committee members reviewed their recommended revisions to the Niwot Strategic Plan. On Nov. 14, the LID held a special session to update the document, which was first adopted in 2011 and last revised in 2012.

The committee proposed numerous updates to the Plan’s infrastructure provisions concerning street-scaping, transportation and connectivity. In particular, they proposed to include beautifying the “shock boxes” on Niwot Road and 2nd Avenue, funding a “walking map” of the LID, and working with Cottonwood Park West HOA to enhance the Sculpture Park as additional goals. The committee made few changes to the Plan’s Parking objectives, though establishing permanent parking in Niwot will remain a top priority for the LID.

Among the most important revisions to the plan were the updates to the special event funding provisions. Previously, the Plan stated that the LID would fully fund expenses only for “advertisements, posters and signs” for events since the LID statute only allowed funding for production and distribution of promotional materials. After the adoption of the original plan, the LID worked with the Colorado legislature to amend the statute to specifically allow a LID to fund events. In its update, the LID removed that limiting qualifier and will now consider all reasonable event expenses.

In the Plan’s Economic Development section, the committee added language supporting the continued funding of the Economic Development Director position, as well as efforts to attract and recruit a new generation of leadership in the community. The LID will meet next on Jan. 3.


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