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Boulder District Attorney seeks information on recent mailing to residents

*Editor's note: This is a press release sent out by the Boulder County attorney's office. If you received the mailer, contact information on what to do and who to call is below.

District Attorney Stan Garnett is asking residents to reach out to the Community Protection Division of his office if they have recently received a mailing purporting to be from the "National Processing Center" advising them that they may be entitled to certain federal benefits. This follows recent complaints from residents about this mailer.

"These mailings try to obtain information from the recipient, with the promise of information on federal financial benefits as a result. It appears that the corporate entity involved may already have been subject to proceedings in Texas, and we are working with the Texas Attorney General to determine if these new mailings are in breach of an injunction which they previously obtained" according to DA Garnett.

The cards received by residents state "2017 Benefit Update for Colorado Citizens Only" and suggest that they can provide information on a Special Program which will pay funeral expenses up to $15,000 tax free.

If you have received this card in the mail, the Community Protection Division of the District Attorney's Office would like to hear from you. Please call them at 303 441 3700, and ask for Claire Hunter or Susan Edelman.


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