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Colterra starts rebuild process

Colterra restaurant in downtown Niwot has submitted a request for Site Plan Review Waiver to the Boulder County Land Use Department as the first step in its effort to rebuild the fire-damaged restaurant, which closed in October 2017.

Bradford Heap, owner of Table 210 LLC, which owns the property at 210 Franklin Street, is working with his insurance company’s architect, James D. Powers of PowerSquare Design & Architecture, LTD, on the project.

Boulder County Land Use Department emailed the referral packet to adjacent property owners and other interested parties and asked for responses to the request by June 13, 2018. Summer Frederick is the staff planner, and comments can be submitted to her at [email protected], or by phone at 303-441-3930, or by mail to P.O. Box 471, Boulder, CO 80306.

The application indicates that no changes are planned to the historic Bader House on the property. However, the entire rear structure, which was originally built as a barn, was severely damaged and will be demolished. The new structure, which will replace it, will include several modifications to bring it up to current code, including raising the structure by 18 inches to improve drainage, installation of a fire protecting sprinkler system, a small increase in the kitchen size, a new entryway, and a slight reorientation of the building to make it square. The new building will increase in size by 343 square feet.

The application states, “The non-historic structure will be removed in its entirety and a new building will be constructed to match the existing building plus current Code required upgrades. The Code upgrades will require a slight increase in the buildings footprint on the site.”

If granted, the Site Plan Review Waiver would speed the redevelopment of the property.


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