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Familiar Face – Regina Sidoti

Series: Familiar Faces | Story 1

Serving food is what Regina Sidoti has been doing for as long as she can remember. Sidoti, 45, works at two restaurants in Niwot and a third restaurant in Longmont. You also can find her working concessions at Bronco games and other sporting events. Her can-do attitude and easy, outgoing smile are emblematic of her optimistic outlook.

Sidoti is a very candid, genuine person who believes we all are more alike than not. She said, “There’s a little piece of you in every person.”

That’s why it’s a pleasure to present Sidoti as the Courier’s Familiar Face this month and learn a bit about her life.

Left Hand Valley Courier (LHVC) - What do you do for a living?

Regina Sidoti (RS) - I’ve worked at the Niwot Subway for over 9 years and I manage the one on north Main Street in Longmont too. Managing for Subway means I do the hiring, firing, scheduling, ordering inventory, everything. I also work at the [Niwot] Tavern. I started out as a host, then I was a cook, and now I’m a server. I’ve been working there for a couple of years.

LHVC - What jobs did you do prior to working at Subway and the Niwot Tavern?

RS - I’ve worked in fast food for 31 years. I managed Taco Bell in Longmont for eight years and I opened the Del Taco in Firestone.

LHVC - Where are you from and how long have you lived in the area?

RS – I’m from Huntington Beach, California, originally and I moved to Longmont in ’92. My mom moved here first and I just kind of followed her out here. I was several months pregnant at the time.

LHVC - Tell us about your children.

RS - I have a 13-year-old son, a 14-year-old daughter, a 17-year-old daughter, a 25-year-old daughter, and a 27-year-old stepson. He’s my [ex]-husband’s son.

LHVC - What challenges have you had to deal with?

RS - When he [my ex-husband] got deported back to Mexico. He had things on his record and one of the lawyers got disbarred and it was just a mess. We were married altogether for 22 years, but together for 16 years. My 13, 14, and 17-year-olds are his children. The challenges of paying the bills, taking care of the kids, keeping a roof over our heads, that’s been my thing for seven-and-a-half years. I had help when he was here, he worked. But now, I’m always working.

Also, my 17-year-old is an all-star competitive cheerleader, so I do fundraising all over the place to help with that. She’s been doing it since she was five and my 14-year-old is now a cheerleader at Niwot [High School]. So I fundraise at the Bronco’s events, the Pepsi Center, Fiddler’s Green, CU football games, Dick’s Sports Park. All that money goes to a non-profit account and when it’s time to buy a uniform or book flights for a [cheerleading] trip, it’s there. I’ve been at the Bronco’s stadium for 13 years. We’re selling different food at each venue and a percentage of what we sell goes to our non-profit.

I work 60 hours a week at Subway, then I do the Tavern, and then I fundraise. It’s 80 to 90 hours a week with my jobs and fundraising together. I use the money for senior pictures, uniforms, stuff that has to do with school or sports. If it wasn’t for that, my kids wouldn’t get to do what they do.

LHVC - What is something that you’re proud of accomplishing?

RS – I’m very proud of taking care of the kids and making life happen. On top of that, one of my accomplishments is that I’m a recovering addict. That’s been a chore and a half for me, but I’m going on ten years clean as of January 20th. Everybody knows and I’m proud of it. I love being able to talk with people about it. I graduated from an integrated drug treatment court program. I had caseworkers and classes. I ran an NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meeting for two-and-half years and I’ve mentored people. It’s part of my life.

LHVC - Are you married now? If not, are you looking?

RS - Nope, I’m not married. And sure, there will be time and I’ll be happy again someday. But right now, I just work my butt off and hopefully get my kids to where they need to be.

Please send suggestions for Familiar Faces profiles to [email protected]


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