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Letters to the Editor (Oct. 23)

Series: Letters to the Editor | Story 4

To the editor:

Concerning the letter published by Dick Piland of Niwot: First of all WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas stated that his comments were taken out of context and that "It is highly important that we rein in greenhouse gas emissions, notably from energy production, industry and transport. This is critical if we are to mitigate climate change and meet the targets set out in the Paris Agreement on climate change.

To stop a global temperature increase of more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the level of ambition needs to be tripled. And to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees, it needs to be multiplied by five." According to NASA " Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change."

Angela Brand

To the editor:

The letter from Mr. Piland, regarding the apparent manipulation and programming of the minds of students at NHS, references two sources that he attempts to suggest refute anthropogenic climate change.

The first, suggesting a statement from Peter Taalas of the World Meteorological Organization has him denying man -made climate change. Mr. Taalas himself has had to make clear he has said nothing of the sort. Indeed, to actually quote him: "Our best science shows that the climate is changing, driven in large part by human action." He continues: "We have seen recording-breaking temperatures and greenhouse gas concentrations, the smallest amount of sea ice in the Arctic, melting mountain glaciers and rising sea levels.

It is highly important that we rein in greenhouse gas emissions, notably from energy production, industry and transport. This is critical if we are to mitigate climate change."

Mr. Piland also refers to a letter, not from prominent climate scientists, but from a fossil fuel industry-funded group, who science denialism has been well-debunked by the actual climate science community.

The students of NHS should use Mr. Piland's letter as a great example of the use of 'alternative facts' permeating commentary today, and let them, after researching his statements, decide for themselves, as he so vehemently insists.

Art Paolini


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