All Local, All The Time

Letter to the Editor (May 20)

Series: Letters to the Editor | Story 14

To the editor:

Three years after the flood in 2013 state and local governments spent money to understand how monolingual Spanish speaking residents of Boulder County were impacted and which barriers to accessing resources existed.

Four years and now we’re reading on Saturday May 16, 2020 nothing has changed.

The article, Response to Health Officials Meet Resistance, Daily Camera published on 5/16/2020 describes a situation where “Boulder County health workers are having trouble getting some people to share” and speculates why Spanish speakers may not want to provide information when it is “critical to public health and key to the county’s recovery from the ongoing pandemic.” Given my experience as a cultural broker for 28 years in Boulder County, it is apparent that many leaders and people in positions of power are writing the narrative of how the community should respond to them as the system. I coordinated a countywide data assessment after the flood of 2013 on behalf of the State of Colorado Division of Local Affairs. To lead that effort, I was hired as a Resiliency Specialist to find out where the barriers of access to local government, institutions, and agencies existed for monolingual Spanish speakers, The data, findings, and recommendations from that successful study are now a model in Larimer County.

This article is a reminder of the larger reason why we need systemic change in Boulder County. Our current leadership has slowly been encompassing Government Alliance for Racial Equity (GARE) and other sidebar meetings and brown bag lunches discussing how to outreach to marginalized communities. This isn’t a diversity fair. The time for inaction went up in flames a couple of years ago when another climate event occurred in the Sunshine Canyon Wildfire and Spanish speaking residents in our county didn’t open the doors during a 2:00 a.m. evacuation notice. Currently we are seeing the disparate impact between Latinx residents and other populations during COVID-19 as described in the Daily Camera article published April 16, 2020 entitled, Hispanic/Latinx residents are disproportionately high percentage of Boulder County coronavirus patients. Our county leaders must create plans with equity at the center of our community response and recovery efforts to COVID-19. Trust doesn’t get built during a wildfire, flood, or pandemic just because those in power say it’s time for “some people” to participate.

I am appalled to read the article that insinuates that a local government needs the data and speculations of why specifically Spanish speakers are not providing that information. The Resiliency for All data report from 2013 that was presented to Boulder County leadership teams from health facilities, local governments, nonprofits, and community agencies was very clear. It’s key findings included that our monolingual Spanish speaking community members experience a lack of trust in Boulder County when dealing with government-owned systems. The headline and article give a tone of “how dare they,” “we need,” and would leave the reader to believe there is only one way to get the data needed. In reality our system needs to change. It needs to be truly inclusive and representative of people from our entire county, to build trust from the highest leadership levels, departments, and 2,000 Boulder County employees who serve our 330,000 population. The article title should have read- How has Local Government Broken Trust? The tone could have exemplified inclusivity, caring, and concern if it had been rooted in a desire to answer this question, how might we create trust to build new relationships with our Spanish speaking clientele and neighbors in Boulder County? What policies and actions will develop trust with our monolingual Spanish speaking residents, so that they feel comfortable sharing personal data in the time of COVID-19?

And if our current leaders do not feel prepared to ask or respond to these types of questions we have a huge opportunity in 2020 to elect leaders who have diverse backgrounds, new perspectives and trusted long-term relationships. As a cultural broker with community members from a variety of sectors; across government, non-profit agencies, educators, business owners; English speakers and Spanish speakers, I will lead our response and recovery efforts in Boulder County through inclusive and authentic strategies as we prepare for life after COVID-19. We need to begin to look at our structures, policies, and leadership, and build authentic relationships and rapport so that in any disaster or crisis we may come up against, we know that community members will trust the system, and they will trust us.


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