All Local, All The Time

NBA meeting highlights

The August meeting of the Niwot Business Association was held Aug. 9 at Niwot Market, with 34 members attending.

The timely topic of fire prevention, emergency preparations, and insurance coverage gave members useful information in the wake of the Aug. 6 Abo’s Pizza fire in Niwot. Although the topic had been planned early in July, the presentation by representatives of Mountain View Fire Rescue, Leigh Suskin and Lindsay Cumberland of Farmers Insurance in Niwot was especially timely.

Mountain View Fire Rescue community outreach officers explained how to sign up for emergency alerts, as well as how to handle a possible emergency situation. They suggested having a “go bag” ready in the event of a possible evacuation, and stressed the importance of having important documents stored on a thumb drive. “Ship a thumb drive to another relative,” and “Put it on the cloud” were just two of the many recommendations made.

They also suggested fire drills for business premises, and ensuring that everyone knows at least two ways in and out of the building.

Suskin followed up, suggesting that everyone store their insurance policy on a thumb drive so it is easily accessible if a loss occurs. She also noted that business interruption insurance is recommended, and that although the standard clause provides coverage for only 30 days, coverage for up to one year is available.

In the event of a loss, Suskin recommended calling your agent immediately to find out what help is available, as well as to determine the extent of coverage and deductibles. She also reminded business owners not to start remediation work until the agent or adjuster has a chance to visit the premises.

In other business, NBA officers and members welcomed new members and reminded everyone of upcoming events, including

HoneyBee Harvest Festival Aug. 27 with a showing of the movie Sister Bee at Left Hand Grange at 4:30 p.m .;

Why Not Niwot? Juried Art Show awards ceremony on First Friday’s Sept. 2 Art Walk at Osmosis at 6 p.m., with a concert by the Niwot Community Semi-Marching Free Grange Band and an artist’s reception at the former Niwot Rental & Feed location;

Second annual Lobsterfest Sept. 3 at Whistle Stop Park featuring music from the House Blend Band with proceeds from the event benefiting the Marshall Fire Fund;

CPR Training by Mountain View Fire Rescue Sept. 13;

Rocky Mountain Christian Church’s Shine Prom evening for special guests on Sept. 16 from 6 to 9 p.m .;

Sept. 27 Sidewalk Sale for Niwot merchants;

Oct. 2 Niwot Trot 5K sponsored by Niwot Elementary School’s Parent Teacher Advisory Council.


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