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Conservation theme of NBA meeting

The Niwot Business Association meeting at the Niwot United Methodist Church on Nov. 8 focused on saving energy, reducing costs and recycling. Pastor Emily Kintzel welcomed the NBA members and she and Janet Gates provided a brief history of the church, which was founded in 1870, and formerly occupied the building which is now the offices of Left Hand Animal Hospital in Niwot.

Jim Dorvee, President of Left Hand Grange No. 9, was the featured speaker, sharing his experience trying to maximize energy savings for the Grange building in Niwot.

Dorvee distributed a spreadsheet, which will also be available online at, outlining various programs available to businesses and homeowners to evaluate their energy usage and suggest ways of reducing energy consumption.

The first program Dorvee mentioned was a PACE Assessment, a “free on-site assessment with advice on programs to help you save energy, water and money.” Dorvee noted that the program resulted in free replacement of fluorescent lights with LED energy saving lighting.

He also described several programs offered by Xcel Energy, some of which are free, as well as others that come with a cost. He also noted that you can purchase wind energy from Xcel at a slightly higher cost than other energy.

Other programs involve registration of Smart Thermostats, which can result in credits passed on to the business and programs for replacement of restaurant equipment and old HVAC equipment.

Water savings was another topic of discussion, including programs offered by Left Hand Water District for smart controllers on irrigation systems, and leak detection. Bert Steele of Niwot Market related that he was able to take measures to reduce water consumption substantially after being advised that the Market’s water usage was increasing.

Dorvee also described Zero Waste programs of Western Disposal and free indoor recycle and compost containers available from PACE.

Marilyn Hammond of Squeak and Squawk Farm near the intersection of 83rd Street and the Diagonal Highway announced that she planned to set up a stand at the intersection where people could drop off canning jars to be reused.

NBA Executive Director Catherine McHale ran the meeting in the absence of President Eric Bergeson, and reminded those in attendance of upcoming elections and openings on the NBA Executive Board.

The December meeting of the NBA will be a social gathering at the Niwot Wheel Works on Dec. 12.


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