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Left Hand Laurel Hallie Pasko

Hallie Pasko has more than earned this month's Left Hand Laurel. Pasko, a 47 year resident of Niwot with her husband Don Pasko, raised their children here. They all went through the Niwot feeder system from elementary through graduation at Niwot High School.

Dedication is a word that barely scratches the surface when describing Pasko. In addition to a 47 year residency in Niwot, Pasko has been deeply involved in every aspect of local Alzheimer's support groups for the past 24 years.

Pasko's many titles through her work with the Alzheimer's Association of Colorado include support group leader, facilitator, and community educator. For the past nine months, Pasko has dedicated her time to something called a "Memory Cafe," offered by the Alzheimer's Association.

Memory Cafes offer caretakers and those living with dementia engaging activities and support groups for each other to build and strengthen their community and see others who are working through Alzheimer's and dementia. After everyone participates in their group activity, such as a drum circle, for example, they break off into smaller groups for support discussions and lessons.

Over her 24-year career, Pasko's pay has remained exactly the same - $0.00. Pasko does all of this work entirely as a volunteer, as does her colleague and friend, Brenda Gurung. Pasko began her involvement after her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2000, and it became a family effort to learn as much as they could about the disease. "We started sitting on panel discussions, radio interviews, and TV spots," said Pasko. This is when she started teaching the Savvy Caregivers course to dementia patient caregivers.

For Pasko, she said that she has no plans to quit volunteering. "I know too much and I feel it is important to share my knowledge and experience," she said. "I have touched the lives of hundreds of people throughout the country.... Many of the families have become close friends."

On April 25, Pasko was on hand to see Gurung receive recognition as one of Denver 7 News' "Everyday Heroes." The segment, which will air soon, features Pasko alongside Gurung. While Gurung was surprised with the recognition by Denver 7 News as an "Everyday Hero," Pasko knew it was going to happen.

In fact, Pasko received the same honor and recognition back in 2005 shortly before her mom passed away through her work with the Alzheimer's Association. Nineteen years later, she was honored to stand with her friend while Gurung received her recognition.

Jim Herlihy, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications with the Alzheimer's Association said, "I've known (Hallie Pasko) for eight years. She is a role model for [other] volunteers and our paid staff. She's been here longer than anyone else." Herlihy added that while most volunteers come into the organization because they have a loved one working through Alzheimer's, those volunteers or staff members usually "hit a wall" and feel their time is no longer relevant. Not for Pasko, as she has been one of the organization's best volunteers for over two decades - 19 years after her mom passed away.

The Alzheimer's Association has several hundred volunteers around the state. "[Hallie] is one of our best volunteers. She might be a volunteer, but you couldn't pay her enough to stay with this organization," concluded Herlihy.

Anyone working through dementia or Alzheimer's or supporting someone who is, a Caregivers Support Group facilitated by Sarah Sutherland meets every second Tuesday at 10 a.m. at Una Vida in Niwot.

The Memory Cafe meets at the Longmont Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Avenue in Longmont and is co-facilitated by Pasko and Sutherland on the second Wednesday of the month from 2:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m. A Memory Cafe also meets at the Immaculate Conception Church, 715 Cabrini Drive, in Lafayette on the second Tuesday of every month at 2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The 24-hour Alzheimer's HELP LINE where someone is always available to talk or answer questions is 1-800-272-3900.


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