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3rd Annual Slepicka Tractor Show plows with success

For the third year in a row, on June 8, the Slepicka family hosted another successful tractor show with assistance and sponsorship from the Niwot Community Association (NCA). The free event took place at their family farm on 79th Street in Niwot. Members of the Slepicka family who put the showcase together were property owners, Jerry and Marsha Slepicka (who purchased the property in 1989) with assistance from their son, Brandon. Both Jerry and Marsha grew up in Boulder and are Colorado natives.

"[We] drive by this place all the time," said Paul Tucker, who attended with three children accompanying him. Nathaniel (10), Vivienne (7), and Hazel (7) Tucker have all attended the past three years and love taking advantage of being able to see the tractors up close. They especially like when they're decorated at the holidays with lights.

"Preserving these items provides a great teaching opportunity," said the Slepickas in a statement. "Farmers who used this equipment love to come in and share stories of their upbringing." Families and children had the opportunity to climb on and learn about the different tractors and watch several different pieces of equipment run.

Prizes were given to children, including popsicles, Hot Wheels cars, and boxes upon boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. Donations would not be accepted by any member of the family for their efforts and they declined to accept reimbursement from the NCA for water, snacks, or popsicles.

In the guided tours led by Jerry or Brandon Slepicka, their passion and care for all the equipment they have collected over the years is apparent. Jerry could be heard many times elaborating on the history of the equipment and each individual tractor, motor, or stationary equipment.

Present at the event were 19 full-size tractors, 9 Gibson tractors (Gibson is based out of Longmont), 17 "hit and miss" engines, and 12 small engines. Most of the equipment is on display throughout the spring and summer before being moved into storage in September.


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