All Local, All The Time

Lindy hops and swing beats light up Cottonwood Square

On Friday July 5, dancers from all over gathered for the first swing dance evening of Dancing Under the Stars this summer. At 7 p.m., dancers moved cautiously towards the makeshift dance floor for dance lessons led by Tom Masterson, one of the event organizers.

Participants of all ages and skill levels joined in, learning the basic steps of swing dancing. Masterson let attendees take their time, stepping in when he felt it was necessary. With his swing dance crash course, the dancers were ready for social dancing at 7:45 p.m.

The program is free, but Catherine McHale, another one of the event organizers, encourages attendees to visit the tip table if they feel inclined.

After the lesson, the dance floor only gained people, with the night totaling around 150 participants. Several attendees could be seen lindy hopping among the crowd, adding an extra flair to the evening. No one was left without a partner, with most participants switching after every song.

The DJ for the evening, Joseph Snowhawk, chose the perfect songs to set the tone. Classic and contemporary swing tunes were played, as well as some cha-cha and waltz, allowing more seasoned dancers to show off their skills.

As rhythmic steps echoed through the night, the spirit of the swing dance era was floating in the air as the community came together to dance and foster a sense of camaraderie and fun.

On Friday, July 12, Dancing Under the Stars will feature a waltz and folk dance evening from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in front of The Little Shop and WiNot Coffee Company. Masterson will be the instructor and DJ for the event.

The event is funded by the Niwot LID, and sponsored by the Niwot Business Association, and Cottonwood Square, as well as local business sponsors Porchfront Homes, DRF Real Estate, Big Orange Square, Raza Fresa, Una Vida, and the Niwot Tavern.


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