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NHS Teacher Profile: Erin Smith

Mathematics is the foundation of many subjects and is crucial to understand. Math teachers help students gain critical thinking skills and help them understand and engage with the world. Erin Smith is a dedicated math teacher at Niwot High School, entering her third year at NHS and her fifth year of teaching overall. Smith began her teaching career in a middle school in eastern Longmont, but after two years, she felt the call to high school education.

Smith speaks highly of Niwot High School's math department, praising the top-notch quality and the lifelong friends she has made there in just a few years. Showing her gratitude for the school she said, "I came to Niwot High in 2022, and have no plans to leave! I absolutely love it."

Smith's journey to becoming a teacher was influenced by the many inspiring educators she encountered during her own high school years. Despite only taking traditional level math courses, her 12th-grade precalculus teacher encouraged her to pursue her dreams. Her teacher, Ms. Paloma, believed that she could do anything she set her mind to as long as she worked hard.

Motivated by this support, Smith gained her math degree and teaching license from CU Boulder. Today, she hopes to inspire students the same way her teachers inspired her.

Smith likes the fast pace and the daily variability of teaching.

Smith said she thrives in a dynamic environment, where each day brings new challenges and opportunities. With over 180 students each year, every day is different, and this constant change keeps her engaged.

"I am extremely 'Type A' and love to have all of my ducks in a row and teaching allows me to do that," she explained. Smith said that she enjoys the structured aspects of teaching, such as lesson planning and test grading. However, she also values the need to be flexible and adapt to her students' needs when things don't go as planned. Balance keeps her mind active and engaged.

While Smith is passionate about her teaching career, she also ensures she maintains a fulfilling life outside of work. Recently married, she and her husband embrace the outdoor lifestyle Colorado offers. They enjoy biking, attending concerts at Red Rocks, hiking, exploring new restaurants, and spending time at local coffee shops.

Smith believes that having a life outside of teaching makes her a better educator. After her first three years of teaching she almost burned out because she did not have a personal life outside of work. By nurturing her interests and hobbies, she feels she can bring her best self to the classroom while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Smith has also discovered the importance of boundaries and self-care, both for herself and as a model for her students. She ensures that her students also have interests and activities outside of school to maintain the same balance that she enjoys. Smith encourages her students to pursue their unique interests and be multi-dimensional individuals and this is an important part of her teaching philosophy. Smith understands that students are more than just learners, they are individuals with diverse talents and passions that deserve recognition and support.

Smith loves her life and feels fortunate for all that she has. She is passionate about teaching and equally committed to her personal growth and happiness and hopes to inspire her students to also strive for their best while also taking care of themselves.


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