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Courier Cookbook Healthy Snacks

Healthy snacks evoke images of carrot and celery sticks but they can be so much more. Check out the vegan cherry muffins waiting to grab-and-go. The homemade potato and sweet potato chips and a delicious alternative to the greasy store-bought variety. Everyone likes edamame so try simply salted or spicy.


Adapted from Minimalist Baker, an excellent source for gluten-free and vegan recipes.

Cherries are excellent right now and are a healthy snack on their own. Add them to muffins or cookies to brighten any recipe.


1/3 cup oat flour

1 cup whole wheat or unbleached all purpose flour

½ tsp. backing soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1/8 tsp. salt

¼ cup brown sugar

¼ cup melted coconut oil (or olive or avocado oil)

¾ cup almond milk

1 tsp. almond extract

1+ cup fresh pitted slightly chopped cherrie

¼ cup chopped dairy-free dark chocolate


-Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepared muffin tin with paper muffin cups.

-Combine flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt and brown sugar.

-Stir together almond milk, oil and almond extract. If the oil clots, microwave to melt.

-Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients. Whisk until just combined.

-Fold in cherries and ¾ of the chocolate.

-Spoon batter into muffin cups and top with remaining chocolate.

-Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean.

-Serve warm or cold. Can be frozen.


Stop purchasing "gourmet" chips and make your own. They are easy, clean and yummy.


3 (or more) potatoes or/and sweet potatoes

Kosher salt

1 Tbsp. oil or avocado oil per potato

Optional: pepper and herbs like rosemary or oregano

Optional: Salt and vinegar potato chips also require 1 cup vinegar


-Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone mat.

-Peel the potatoes. Slice very thin with either a sharp knife, mandolin slicer, or vegetable peeler.

-If using regular potatoes, soak in cold water for 30 minutes and pat dry. No need to do this for sweet potatoes.

-If making salt and vinegar potato chips, soak in vinegar and water instead for 30 minutes.

-Pat dry.

-Place potatoes in a plastic bag.

-Add oil and salt. And gently shake to coat the potatoes.

-Pour potatoes onto the baking sheet.

-Bake for about 20 minutes, turning halfway through, or until they look done.

-Eat plain or dip in your favorite dip.


Spiced or plain, these soybeans are always popular, healthy, low calorie, and fun to eat.


1 pound bag or frozen edamame or fresh

2 tsp. kosher salt (or to taste)

If spiced, add:

1 tsp. chili powder

½ tsp. dried oregano

1 tsp. sesame oil


-Boil or steam the edamame.

-Pat dry.

-Sprinkle with salt and eat.

-Or heat the spices in a dry saucepan until aromatic.

-Toss spices on edamame. Sprinkle with sesame oil if desired.

Next week, the Courier Cookbook will take a hard look at summer salads. Cool, healthy and great for outdoor barbecues, summer salads often incorporate summer fruits and vegetables you can't easily get in the colder months. Send your favorite salad recipes to [email protected]. Suggestions for recipe ideas for upcoming issues of the Courier Cookbook are always welcome.


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