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Niwot's Kaige Kennedy to represent USA in the Latin America Baseball Classic

Kaige Kennedy, a standout pitcher on Niwot High School's varsity baseball team, is set to represent the USA in the upcoming Latin America Baseball Classic (LABC) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The tournament, which features top baseball talent from across the Americas, will be a significant milestone in Kennedy's flourishing career.

Kennedy, who has played for the RoughRiders Baseball Club and the Rockies Scout Team, which is in partnership with the Colorado Rockies, was recommended to the USA-LABC team after his sophomore year and tried out in the spring of his junior year.

Being selected for the team was a mix of emotions for Kennedy. "I was extremely excited, but terrified at the same time," he admitted. The rigorous preparation for the tournament has included refining his mechanics, increasing his pitching velocity, and extensive conditioning to cope with the Dominican's challenging climate. "It's going to be hot and the ball is going to move differently," he said. "I'm going to have to push through exhaustion."

Kennedy is one of six 18U Colorado players making the journey. He will leave for the Dominican Republic on July 30, with a long practice the following day, and games kicking off soon after. The tournament will last about a week and a half, with one week of guaranteed play before the bracket stage. "Based on what I've seen from some of the other players, I think we have a chance at competing really well," Kennedy said.

Stepping into a new team where he hasn't played with any of the players before is a challenge Kennedy relishes. "It's one of my favorite things because everyone's out there trying to prove themselves."

Kennedy is particularly excited to pitch against the top hitters from Latin America, "I'm extremely excited to face better hitting and explore my arsenal of pitches."

Reflecting on his career so far, Kennedy highlights being named an All-Conference pitcher in the spring and throwing a no-hitter during the summer season as his proudest moments. He credits his father, Nick Bierbrodt, for his guidance. "He's tough on me because he knows I have the ability to make it. He's always pushed me and challenged me to do better."

Bierbrodt, a former MLB pitcher for the Diamondbacks, Rays, Guardians and Rangers, was named one of the coaches for the USA-LABC team after Kennedy earned his spot on the roster. He's thrilled to be coaching his son in this significant tournament. "It means the world to me. I've always wanted to coach my kids, and to see Kaige make this team and being asked to help because of my background is special," Bierbrodt said.

Bierbrodt hopes Kennedy and other members of the team can "gain some confidence knowing that they can compete against the best players their age," during the team's time in the Dominican Republic.

Now a senior at NHS, Kennedy is looking at playing college baseball and potentially getting drafted after high school. For now, he is focused on winning games in the Dominican and proving that top prospects can come out of Colorado.

Kennedy's mother, Jami Kennedy-Bierbrodt, his sister, Joie, his brother, Jake, and his grandparents will be traveling to support him.


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