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Lights, camera, band camp

Niwot High School's Cougar Marching Band (#PrideOfNiwot) completed its 2024 summer band camp on Aug. 6, accomplishing a tremendous amount of work. Thanks to the dedication of students and flexibility with some unexpected heat and smoke, there is no doubt that the marching band at NHS will have another successful season.

This year's halftime field show is "Night at the Movies" where the band will be performing three pieces - "Pixar Favorites" (a medley of famous songs from Disney-Pixar movies such as "Cars," "Ratatouille," "Up,' "Toy Story," and "Monsters, Inc."), "Pirates of the Caribbean," and "How to Train Your Dragon." This will also be the band's first show featuring props on the field incorporated into the show.

Throughout band camp, students learned basic marching commands such as "attention" and "marking time," as well as what proper marching technique and instrument carriage looks like. All elements are vital in order to successfully pull off a tremendous field show at home football games, most of which are held at Longmont High School's Everly-Montgomery Field, with the exception of Homecoming, which will be held at Niwot High School for the third consecutive year. The NHS band will also perform the show at St. Vrain Band Night, an evening where all SVVSD Bands come together to showcase their field shows for each other, and the Greeley Invitational.

On Thursday Aug. 1, a small crew from Mountain View Fire Rescue attended band camp to hose down members of the band to cool them off during the intense summer heat. This new tradition started last year and was fortunately able to continue this season.

"We love doing this," said one of the firefighters. "It's an important way for us to connect with the community." This crew was able to participate as they were still stationed in Niwot and not called into action by the Stone Canyon Fire.

This year, drum majors Mark Rokhlenko and Kennah Brackett approached Band Director Wade Hendricks and drumline instructor Scott Barto with the ambition to incorporate more choreography and add props to the band's halftime show. Thanks to some additional effort from their new color guard instructor, Anthony Pierro, this year's band camp set aside some additional time for choreo blocks to get students used to moving their bodies outside of their physical comfort zone.

"The student band leadership team did an awesome job of setting a high bar of expectations [for new members]," Hendricks said. Hendricks also gave special acknowledgement to drum majors Rokhlenko and Brackett, as they laid out a highly comprehensive and detailed schedule for the seven days of camp for marching technique and music.

While the strong sun and heat as well as smoke in the air due to the wildfires in the area, Hendricks, Barto, and Pierro all expressed gratitude to the students for their flexibility and understanding. "This group's ability to adapt to circumstances and respond to feedback will surely lead to a great field show," said the instructors in a joint statement. "We have high hopes for the show and season and look forward to presenting 'Night at the Movies' at Niwot home football games."

There were also many socializing opportunities throughout the week, including themed spirit days, trips to the pool, and full-ensemble lunches/dance parties. Additionally, students annually have the opportunity to develop comradery with other high school bands in the St. Vrain School District through a combined performance for the Boulder County Fair Parade. Students from Niwot, Silver Creek, Lyons, Erie, Mead, and Skyline high school bands rehearsed together on the Friday before the parade and marched in the parade together the next day down Main Street in Longmont.

For more information about the program, ways to support the ensemble, and information on upcoming performances, visit and follow them on Instagram @NiwotBands.


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