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30th anniversary of stained glass installation set for Sept. 8 at Niwot UMC

On Sept. 8, Niwot United Methodist Church, located at 7405 Lookout Road in Gunbarrel, will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the installation of a stained glass window with the two artists who created it for the sanctuary where they were members at the time. The service of celebration will begin at 10:20 a.m. and is open to the public.

Gayle Weiss and Patti Dahlem really didn't understand what they were getting into when they volunteered to undertake the project in 1994. It required 600 hours and two-and-a-half years to complete. Dahlem and her husband Charles moved to Colorado Springs many years ago, but Weiss has remained a member of the congregation she joined many years ago when she moved to Gunbarrel with her husband, Mike.

The stained glass was installed in an upper window of the sanctuary so that the sun would illuminate it. The key elements of the work were taken from biblical symbols from certain passages in the Bible.


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