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Arts Student of the Week: Cormac Easter

Although Cormac Easter does not play instruments other than the violin, there are times that he wishes he could. He began learning the instrument about eleven years ago by taking private lessons, but he only began playing mariachi about two years ago.

"I will admit, the first few years I played weren't my favorite," Easter said, "as the music I was learning to play was mostly classical, which I did not enjoy." Thankfully, his instructor was able to help him maintain his interest in the violin, and now he plays mariachi along with Scottish/Celtic fiddle music. "My teacher is Scottish, so she has a lot of passion and knowledge for this," he said.

Easter admitted that he has not been influenced by any particular musician. "I certainly didn't grow up in a household where mariachi, or really any non-English music was played," he said, "so I never had any role models for it."

NHS' Orchestra Director Keynes Chen nominated Easter as Arts Student of the Week. "Cormac is a focused, dedicated, and passionate student who strengthens our ensemble by coming to class well prepared and ready to take on any and all challenges," Chen said. "Not only is he a talented violinist, he is also a dedicated athlete in our school. We love seeing him in class and [he] always brightens our day."

Easter most appreciates the experience playing music in a group and the sound and emotion conveyed together. "Mariachi, from at least the impression I get from it, is a lot more engaging than traditional classical or even theatrical works, which is why I enjoy it so much."

"On our trip to Europe, Easter was the glue to the violin section and was a true genuine delight to travel with," Chen said. The 2023 trip last year was one of the highlights of Easter's life.

"The group that we went with was super fun," Easter said. "I think I made some lasting friends through the experience." The mariachi trip was organized to be the equivalent of the orchestra trip from the previous year.

Mr. Chen wanted to make sure the seniors in Mariachi Band got the chance to have that experience as well. It was an eight-day trip through Salzburg, Vienna, and Prague. The band played one concert in Salzburg. "The rest of the trip was sightseeing and normal tourist activities," Easter said, "but being with the band the entire time made it really special."

Easter has enjoyed being a student at Niwot High School. "I only started last year," he said, "but it has been absolutely great so far. It's been a lot of fun, albeit with some moments of stress that are to be expected for any activity, but overwhelmingly super positive."

Easter has made many friends with a variety of interests, and said that his classes are a good mix of "interesting and challenging." He is also an athlete at NHS. He plays varsity football for the Niwot Cougars during the fall, and played in the recent homecoming game against Skyview.

Besides football, mariachi and violin, Easter spends most of his time doing homework or hanging out with friends. He also enjoys skiing in the winter and he watches motorsport racing.

"My plans for the future might be fairly stereotypical," Easter said. He plans to graduate from high school and attend a four-year program focusing on a degree in aerodynamics, which ideally he could use for designing cars.


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