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Arts Student of the Week: Grace Fisher

Grace Fisher developed an interest in mariachi music because both her mother and grandmother have a passion for it. "I thought it was a good opportunity to practice guitar more," Fisher said. Once she started, she thoroughly enjoyed playing the music and wanted to continue.

Jason Watkins, who teaches technical theater, Career and Technical Education, jewelry, photography, and video making at Niwot High School, selected Fisher as Arts Student of the Week. "Grace is a quiet, unsung hero of the arts world at Niwot," Watkins said. "She has been a dedicated student in three areas--Technical Theater, Band, and Mariachi."

Fisher plays flute and guitar, and she is currently learning to play the bass guitar. She learned flute with her middle school band and guitar at a class at NHS. That interest started because she sang in choir in elementary school and wanted to continue learning about music.

"Music," Fisher said, "is something that is fun while at the same time providing a challenge. Also, it's a great way to connect with others and express yourself," she added.

Fisher's favorite composers are Johannes Brahms and Gustav Holst. "I think they both have pretty cool compositions," she said. In addition to composers, her teachers Keynes Chen and Wade Hendricks have both had a strong influence on her career in music, by making their classes challenging and fun at the same time. "It really motivates me to get better," Fisher said.

Watkins also acknowledged Fisher's many contributions to technical theater at NHS. Fisher believes technical theater has helped her become both a better artist and person. "It's amazing to see a show come together and to work on something so cool with a bunch of friends," she said.

One memorable moment, Fisher said, " was selling out a show during 'Beauty and the Beast.' Everyone was so excited and it made the show even more fun."

Fisher said her experience at NHS has been great. "I've met a ton of new amazing people and had plenty of opportunities to learn more about things that I'm interested in."

In addition to music, Fisher's other interests include swimming and video production. After graduation, she hopes to study wildlife biology at Colorado State University.


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